
What I Bought at HomeGoods

Seriously, I should learn to stay away from that store. I can get into some real trouble at HomeGoods.
In fact, I put some things back- because the running total in my cart was getting a wee bit hefty.

Item #1: 
Gorgeous "Vinyl" Toile Tablecloth

 When I think of vinyl tablecloths, I think electric colors and cheesy prints. But I've been wincing every time I find stuck-on food on my beloved wooden tabletop. I heart this table set so much. So when I saw this cover- one that I could easily wipe with a Clorox wipe? I threw it in the cart- only then did I notice the price... five bucks! Are you kidding me?! Five dollars for the most adorable table cloth known to man?! DONE. (I even thought about getting two... you know, for a back up. And no, it doesn't technically fit- nothing fits by extra big square table) Still, ecstatic.

Item #2: Bright Blue Damask Quilt

It has been a long road in search of a quilt that matches Little Man's crib bedding. (we're still working on a headboard/footboard that looks good) But look! Matching! (and a heavenly light descends from above as a choir of angels sing)

Speaking of the nursery... here are a few pictures of the projects I've been working on:

I'm a big fan of stretching cute fabric over canvases. 

I also enjoy a good wall stick'em. However, big fact on the West: all the walls are "textured" so the stickies don't go on so well. I am constantly banging my thumb against the graphics trying to get them flat. But aren't they cute? They may not match- but I like them! 

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