
The Incredible Invisible Woman!

Pictures of the Twins: 4,983
Pictures of the Twins with everyone else: 1,561
Pictures of me with the Twins: 2

I really needed to even up the score! (and I was hoping to get some pictures for Christmas cards done too. That didn't happen at all. So if you don't get a card from me- I never did get a good shot!) So I did the only thing I could do- take a picture of myself by myself.

I love this shot of The Bunny and me
(Look! Bunny has teeth!)
Great one of me- but those girls don't wanna cooperate!
I said "Look Up!"... I should have specified to look up... at me!


  1. Oh that last one is hilarious! WHere's the plane Mommy?
    And you look so hot with your dark hair! Cute, cute!!

  2. You are so beautiful! There should be more pictures of you!

  3. Awww, Timpani! You are my new best friend.

  4. We have the same probelm around her but I have about 30000 pictures of others and about 5 of me! I love your new picture under your blog name, too cute! Glad you got one.

  5. Thanks for your comment and for stopping by my blog. Both of yours are cute! I too am probably a "recipe whore." I have so many cookbooks, and unfortunately, I end up going on AllRecipes.com and just printing out free recipes most of the time. Ha!

  6. Ashley, I didn't know you had a blog (until I saw your comment on Tricia's). Anway, cute family!!

    Lisa Pike
