This weekend we converted the crib to a toddler bed. I was a nervous wreck about the whole thing. Firstly, this is the last crib! And now it's gone and grown to accomodate a toddler. No more babies in here. (weep!) Secondly, I thought we had lucked out with the twins. I was just as much a disaster when we moved them to big girl beds, only to find that they made the transition seamlessly! To this day, even! They do not get out of their beds! (this has become a problem with the potty training, but I am okay with that for now and the accidents have been very minimal)
Everything about Little Man has been completely different from the girls. He is a boy. And he's determined to make sure we all understand that. So I was pretty frightened about giving him an opportunity to sneak downstairs in the middle of the night and create some mayhem. However, it was time. He turns three in January. Up until Friday night he was still sleeping in a crib, complete with cushy bumper pads and crib tent. (jokingly dubbed "the fortress of solitude")
I looked back through the archives, (keeping a blog is helpful when trying to remember your past parenting strategies) and found we moved the twins into big beds the September before they turned three. (we had to, as Little Man would arrive in January and require one of the cribs) We were past due with Little Man by October! So I got to work converting that crib. (why is crib assembly so bone crushingly difficult?!)
With much trepidation, we tucked him in and closed the door. He slept soundly. (I did not- cranking the monitor up to full-blast and waking every time he turned over... or breathed funny) Even during naptime the next day! Not a peep from him! While I am still wary that the newness will eventually wear off, I am declaring this MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
I do hope this isn't too braggy. My kids are excellent sleepers. My apologies to those of you spending sleepless nights with kids. If it is any consolation, I can never get my kids to eat a decent meal to save me. We all have our burdens.
Big Boy!

Big sisters cannot help but encroach on big boy bed territory.
Hope your weekend is as wildly satisfying as mine has been!
the girls look so big in the toddler bed! wow they are getting big fast!