
GE is insane

In my extreme angst of being stranded in my house because my freaking battery died I need to rant about something. And because we all make mistakes, (ahem, Logan... leaving the car door ajar) I have decided to take my anger out on GE.

You see we have a lovely fridge that, like most refrigerators, dispenses water and ice. The flow on the water was starting to worry me, then it went down to a trickle. Unacceptable. A glance at the handy-dandy manual suggested that we needed to change the filter every 6 mos. Well, ok. It's been two years... but whatever. Where can I find such a filter? The manual suggested I order it from GE's website. Nope. Can't wait that long, need clean water.
I have always been wary of these water-dispensing fridges. I can't exactly say why, it just seemed like an extraordinary frivolity when you have bottled water and a SINK in the same general area. But it got me hooked.

I browsed around the home improvement stores. Nada. Target. Nothing. The only place I can get a filter? Online, of course! And the plug to use when the filter is done? Does it just bypass the filter so I can at least get water from the place I have become oh so accustomed to? No! It stops the water completely! This has got to be a special brand of insane, right?

I hate you, right now GE. So much hate and loathing.

... so now I'm waiting for the UPS man to bring me my filter... bring me my only source of water... parched! So parched!

(and for those curious- yes, that is a picture of me... that is totally how I look at 20 wks. pregnant. Yes. Yes, it is. And that pristine white kitchen? Of course I keep everything in my house white and spotless!)


  1. I get mine at Sears off of Stephanie. I was thinking about looking at Lowes or Home Depot but haven't yet. I have mine sitting by the back door reminding me that I need to go that way sometime soon.

  2. We get ours at Sears, too. Good luck!

  3. Dang! Sears doesn't carry this specific kind. Super-ARG!

  4. I'm pretty sure that water through a fridge is a total racket.

  5. We get our at RC Wiley. LOL! Because that IS the only place that carries ours...we are a frigidaire though so I can't promise they will have it either...

  6. We’ve “tricked” our fridge by taking in out, then putting it right back in and hitting the “reset” button so it thinks it’s a new filter. I haven’t bought off on how much filtering is really done anyway – especially since our fridge can be “tricked” this way . . .
